Category: Farm Happenings

Antibiotics in the Orange Juice!

As if we didn’t have enough toxins in our food supply, now we have to worry about antibiotics in our orange juice. A disease is raging over Florida’s orange trees and the solution is to pump antibiotics into the trees. What we aren’t hearing from the media is that biological farmers aren’t dealing with the same issues. Joel Salatin provides an excellent solution to this crisis in his article below.

Week 13 How We Got Our Meats Better and GMOs

Genetically modified crops were created in about 1994 in an attempt to help farmers deal with weeds more easily. Many folks still believe that genetic modification is done naturally, (they often compare it to hybridization where two plants are crossed in the same species to make a new plant) but the truth is that genetic modification couldn’t happen naturally in the wild like hybridization does. Modification is done in a highly sophisticated lab. As Ty Bollinger says, “Genetic engineering /modification of food involves the laboratory process of artificially inserting genes into the DNA of food, crops, or animals. The result is called a genetically modified organism (“GMO”). GMO can be engineered with genes from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. The reason the plants are engineered is to allow them to basically drink poison.” This allows the spraying of herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides without damaging the modified plant. As Joel Salatin often says, “Folks this aint normal.”

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Week 9 Get Your Meats Better

Many farm families, in an attempt to keep the farm profitable and alive, switched to Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) in the 1950s for poultry and the 1970s and 1980s for cattle and pigs. CAFOs are highly efficient systems of feeding large quantities of animals, in small spaces, using mechanized systems to save time and labor. Chickens and pigs are raised in large buildings and cows are finished in large feed lots. This system has provided an abundance of food, at a cheap price, but unfortunately it has had some unexpected consequences. As people demand and support this cheap, highly industrialized, and more recently, highly processed food system, our health has declined and our medical bills have increased significantly.

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Week 6 Consider Adding Lard to Your Pantry!

Have you heard that saturated fats are bad for you? “Saturated animal fats are not villains! They are filled with essential vitamins A, D, K2 and E, among many other nutrients that support our entire body’s ability to manufacture the hormones that help us stay healthy, happy and strong,” according to the Weston Price Foundation. Did you know that there have only been two studies that actually compared a diet based on vegetable oils to one that is high in animal fats? It’s interesting to note that both studies revealed that animal fats actually protect us from heart disease, but you don’t hear that part of the story. All the focus has been on the results that a diet high in vegetable oils reduced cholesterol, but they neglect to mention the fact that there were eight deaths among the vegetable oil group.

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Week 4 Get Your Sleep Better

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 

~Benjamin Franklin

When you wake up in the morning, do you feel rested? A recent survey suggests that 65% of Americans rarely feel “rested or energized.” When we don’t get enough quality sleep at night it affects our disposition, energy, performance, and health, and our bodies aren’t able detoxify from the day’s assaults. When we look at the body as a whole, we can understand that the amount and the time when we are sleeping may not be the only reason we are not feeling “rested,” but it’s a great place to start.  

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